Visceral Manipulation

When most people think of physical therapy- they think of work that involves the muscles, fascia, nerves and the alignment of the skeleton. But there is another layer to consider- the organs.  The organs have a range of movement they require to function optimally. Many conditions(flu, surgery, infection, poor posture, difficult birth, etc) can reduce the effective movement of the organ(s) which can in turn affect how the rest of the body moves.

It is easier to explain through example.  I had a local professional driver on my table complaining of neck pain and reduced ability to shoulder check to the left. After doing a thorough exam, and going into his heath history- it turns out that two years before his neck problems cropped up, he had a severe flu, was off work for three weeks and coughed for another 3 months. Upon examination, his left lung was ‘stuck’. I worked to release the problem and when we were done, he could easily turn his head to the left and a pain in his shoulder that he attributed to an over-use injury had gone away.


Harmony and health exist when motion is free in ALL structures of the body. Conditions treated with VM include constipation, painful menses, back and neck pain, GERD, migraines, low energy- the list is endless. Visceral Manipulation is a gentle treatment.  You shouldn’t feel sore or excessively uncomfortable during or after your treatment. If you would like to know if your condition could be treated or improved with Visceral Manipulation or to book an appointment, call/text or email Terry Lunney at Advanced Massage and Associated Therapies Ltd and we can discuss it.