
Working with children is a particular pleasure for me because they correct so quickly. If you have a concern about your child, there is probably an issue. Some of the problems I have seen on my table are congenital hip problems, teeth coming in crooked, sinus issues, torticolis, colic, constipation, birth issues from difficult delivery(forceps, jammed neck, cranial plates incorrectly aligned, etc),liver problems, tight diaphragm causing regurgitation, etc. Craniosacral Therapy is gentle for adults, obviously it is much more so for babies and children. I try to meet them where they are in their process to keep emotional trauma low and the happiness factor high. I get referrals from lactation consultants and midwifes throughout the city.

If you would think your child would benefit from treatment or to book an appointment, please call/text or email Terry Lunney at Advanced Massage and Associated Therapies Ltd to see if I can meet your needs.